Travel Deals

If you’ve been meaning to take your mom on a much needed vacation, check out...

Janet Jackson will be performing her Number 1 Hits in her Up Close and Personal Tour....

When it’s time to rent a car, I always shop around for the best prices and...
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It’s that time again! Time to wipe the dust off the skis and snowboards and...

Spring break is here and it’s time to get away, have fun, and relax. If you’re...

Yosemite Lake SunsetI recently found myself in Merced, California visiting family...
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Travel News & Tips

We live in the glorious age of technology. We have access to the Internet and social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook and MySpace. We can find information on the Internet using search engines such as Google, Yahoo or MSN. Yes, anyone who has access to a computer can MapQuest their way to whatever knowledge they are seeking to find. However,... [Read more of this review]

Traveling with young children can be a challenge, especially on a long road trip. Most adults can hardly stand to be confined to a small space for hours on end, let alone a restless child! While on a road trip, it can sometimes become very frustrating, especially if you are on the road for a very long period of time. It’s therefore important that... [Read more of this review]

Aerial view of tsunami damage north of Sendai, Japan. Recent earthquakes in Japan and New Zealand remind us that disasters can happen anywhere at anytime. What can you do if you’re traveling and you find yourself in an emergency situation? Disasters often happen suddenly and with little to no warning so pre-planning is essential. While it’s... [Read more of this review]
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